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So I'm in my new apartment. I got moved in a week ago, and I'm "borrowing" someone's wireless. (shh...don't tell). I'll have my own in a week though. I'm liking it so far...except for one thing: the walls are completely bare. All of my frames are still up in Idaho. And the way things are going, I won't be able to go back up to Idaho for 3-4 weeks. I may just go buy one or two frames to get something up. I really want to have my photos all over my walls here. Other than all that, things are still pretty much the same: work in the day, do whatever in the evening. Once I get all my developing trays down here I'm going to get to work with getting negatives developed. I mentioned in my last post that I have a lot of them. I still haven't figured out how I'm going to solve thescanner situation; it's going to be a while before I can afford my own, unless I want to max out a credit card. Maybe after I get my skill saw and nail gun paid off I'll do it...we'll see. Here are a few more new/old photographs:
I printed this off, but I'm still not sure if I like it. The tree right in front looked better on the ground glass than I thought it would...I'm torn. By the way, that one is in Discovery Park in Seattle. This next one is really old; I took it on the last trip Darren, Jon, and I took to the City of Rocks. I don't think many people have seen it, but I like it, especially after adjusting the contrast and levels. I almost think I could go a bit further though.
Here's another photograph that I refixed and printed on my R2400. The first posted version of the photograph can be found here.
I really wish you all could see the print. It looks so much better on paper than on a computer screen. The grays that I'm getting from this new printer are so rich and beautiful. It never ceases to amaze me with each print I make.
So, a few weeks ago I said I had a few retouched photographs from after I got my printer, and that I would post a few. Well, I have one to put up today. It's one of my favorites ever (you can see the original in the August 2005 archives).
And, in other news of goings on in my boring life, I got my own apartment in downtown Orem, and I move in Tuesday. It's gonna be a huge burden for 2-4 weeks (and I got 2 speeding tickets in two weeks to add to the burden) so I won't have internet for a while--not that I posted that much anyways. But I also got a $2/hr raise at work that takes effect this pay period. So in a few weeks I should be back on my feet and able to post more photos.I'm looking forward to this new apartment...I'll be able to use the bathroom there for a darkroom and finally get my negatives developed (I have many that are a year old). The next step is getting my own scanner.